Friday, December 9, 2016

For my job shadowing presentation, I feel I did pretty okay for having strep throat. It was very hard to speak loudly and be energetic because my voice was hoarse and it hurt to talk. However, I think I did okay in the sense of making my sentences clear and not reading off the slide. It was a little hard to see the notes and bullets on my slide because I would have to lean to the side instead of face the audience, but I was proud of my overall Powerpoint. I designed the background in Adobe Photoshop using a tutorial that showed me how to create patterns and repeat them on a canvas to make a seamless pattern. I then added a box the same color of the base color of the background with a thick white stroke to create the area of where the information will be typed. My only issue was that when I moved my Powerpoint onto my dell venue I did not have my fonts so I could not use them in the final presentation. The class presentations as a whole were very interesting and I do not think I found any of them boring. The one I liked most was Dani’s, and she made it seem very interesting to be a wedding planner and I want to look more into it. It is a very creative based job, which is something I look into when I want to decide my career. I have never been good at math or science, and I consider myself more right-brained than left. I could not be able to sit at a desk for eleven hours straight answering phone calls and filing paper work. I would need a career that gets my creativity flowing and has something that’s different with each task. A wedding planner sounds ideal for me because I could use that designer side of me to appeal to other people’s tastes and each job would be different. I am also very good at working under lots of stress, and I could be as creative as I want.

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